2020 MAY-JUL Systemic Intelligence and Constellation Work in Organizations (The Basics, online)

Systemic Intelligence and Constellation Work in Organizations The Basics, online

How to address the real underlying dynamics and restore flow in companies and teams

This experiential and practical journey will provide you with a new lens and tools to look at the issues in front of you. Whether you are a leader, coach, team facilitator, consultant…it will fundamentally shift your view on the effort it takes to solve complex challenges.

Not understanding the deeper systemic dynamics in organizations often leads to inadequate solutions. Leaders and employees are spending their precious time and energy on fighting repetitive symptoms and are not resolving the real issues. On the contrary, as they might work against the invisible systemic dynamics, they are actually making things worse.

In this modular on-line introduction to Systemic Intelligence, we are applying the foundational principles from organizational (and family) constellation work, to find the levers to debottleneck organizational and leadership dynamics and support different forms of organizational systems (companies, partnerships, communities, etc.) to restore flow.

Small interventions on the deeper systemic level will create significant breakthroughs in the whole system. Often the dynamics become crystal clear when we stop talking and start using different modalities (systemic lens, systemic questions, constellation techniques, etc.) to reveal what is really going on.

Your facilitators

Emergent - Systemic Intelligence - Mieke Jacobs - Paul Zonneveld

Mieke Jacobs

Emergent - Systemic Intelligence - Mieke Jacobs - Paul Zonneveld

Paul Zonneveld

Dates 2020

Module 1: May 29 4-6 PM CET
Module 2: June 4 4-6 PM CET
Module 3: June 11 4-6 PM CET
Module 4: June 18 4-6 PM CET
Module 5: June 25 4-6 PM CET
Q&A Module: July 2 4-6 PM CET

Online collective constellations: when scheduled

Your investment

Register now and pay € 585,- (excl. VAT) or agree with us on a payment plan.

*Cancellation policy: If you have paid upfront and you need to cancel your booking, we will give you a 100% credit voucher that can be used by yourself, or someone from your team for one of our future masterclasses (on-line or in person) in 2020 or 2021. If due to health concerns you require a full refund, we will provide that.

Whether you are a leader, consultant, facilitator, coach – this program will help you to

  • Start seeing systems and identifying the relevant system for the challenge at hand
  • Discern between the visible symptoms and the real underlying systemic dynamics
  • Recognize the deeper themes, in your own or your client’s organisation
  • Understand the additional value of systemic coaching: working with your client (or your team members) in relation to their system
  • Expand your toolbox and skillset to better navigate in complex situations
  • Ask different, systemic questions, to reveal systemic dynamics
  • Identify the right intervention – the systemic acupuncture point – that will recreate flow in the entire system. Small interventions on a systemic level can have a signifi-cant impact.
  • Create a real breakthrough in one or more of your own or your clients’ challenges (we ask you to bring real cases to work on during the program)
Emergent - Systemic Intelligence - Mieke Jacobs - Paul Zonneveld

Including Systemic Intelligence and Constellations in Organisational Systems course book.

This track includes

    • Recommended reading and pre-work
    • 5 on-line modules of 2 hours each (May 29, June 4 / 11 / 18 / 25, July 2)
    • Recordings of every module
    • Weekly learning circles in triads (60 to 90 minutes – own planning)
    • An extra on-line session on July 2nd for Q&A
    • Access to Paul and Mieke for specific systemic questions, during the 6 weeks
    • An invitation to join our Emergent Alumni community
    • An invitation to join our on-line collective constellations (for alumni only)
    • Access to our evolving library of resources
    • Access to the recordings of our luminary conversations with experts and thought leaders in the field of systemic work and adjacent domains
    • Course workbook


  1. Introduction to systemic intelligence
  2. Foundational systemic principles (in family and organizational systems)
  3. Discernment between symptoms and dynamics/entanglements
  4. Systemic diagnostics (what to listen for)
  5. Interventions when the systemic principles are not being honoured or respected
  6. The inner state of the systemic facilitator
  7. Constellation and systemic facilitation techniques that you can apply right away