M&As: how to make sure a loving marriage doesn’t end in divorce

Emergent - Systemic Intelligence - Mieke Jacobs - Paul Zonneveld

24 maart 2020 The People Space
M&As: how to make sure a loving marriage doesn’t end in divorce M&A integration doesn’t need to end in a crisis, there are better ways to make it a success!
Because long-standing companies might have become blind to their own systemic dynamics that prevented them igniting the innovation or transformation needed, they themselves might be the cause of the unwanted disruption. ‘What is this M&A an excuse for? Is a great question to ask yourself before to start on the M&A path.

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Source: www.thepeoplespace.com

“We used to dance; now we march”: How M&As can kill culture

Emergent - Systemic Intelligence - Mieke Jacobs - Paul Zonneveld

23 maart 2020 Management Today
If you’re not careful, you can destroy the very thing that made the acquisition valuable in the first place. Killing the culture of the acquired partner is particularly common when incumbents try to buy the innovator in their field, the disruptive competitor or the ingenious start-up. When you try to buy something that you miss or have lost along the way, and integrate them into your existing system, you risk killing the very thing you wanted to buy

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Source: www.managementtoday.co.uk

M&A: how to turn an arranged marriage into a loving one

Emergent - Systemic Intelligence - Mieke Jacobs - Paul Zonneveld

16 maart 2020 op Acquisition Daily

Unfortunately, there is no happy pill or medicine to cure all M&A problems, but there are tools you can use to better diagnose the complexity of M&A. To sense, probe, experience and adjust the treatment and recovery plan where needed and identify the elements for a healthy relationship going forward.
The four systemic principles help to identify and understand the symptoms in companies and organisations, leading you to see the underlying entanglements that hold you hostage.

  • Purpose (what is this organisation invited to do (an outside-in perspective)?)
  • Connection & inclusion (who belongs, who does not belong any longer? How do we connect the organisation to the new purpose?)
  • Order and occupying one’s place (what is the new order of things, is everyone in the right place and taking full responsibility?)
  • Exchange (what is the dynamic equilibrium between giving and taking?)

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