Secret to a happy marriage after M&A

Emergent - Systemic Intelligence - Mieke Jacobs - Paul Zonneveld

25 februari op Acquisition Daily
What are the secrets that help two organisational systems come together in a good way?
What does the systemic intelligence bring to the wedding party?
Looking at both parties and at the newly formed organisation with systemic intelligence allows you to navigate the complexity of merging two organisational systems and to surface the roots of seemingly intractable behavior, illogical resistance to change, persistent roadblocks and underperforming teams.

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L&D in M&A: It starts with an honest culture assessment

Emergent - Systemic Intelligence - Mieke Jacobs - Paul Zonneveld

25 februari on HR Dive
When an M&A is being considered, it’s very often a numbers game, and expectations are being drawn on a spreadsheet.” People are the key to a successful M&A, how they’r allowed to relate to what is being lost is fundamental for a smooth integration into a new culture. Systemic intelligence with its four principles (purpose, connection, order & exchange) are a strong your guiding light.

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